Very attractive plum with an excellent taste and crimson flesh. Offers outstanding storage ability; harvesting just after Laetitia cultivar.
Category: Fruit
Released: May 2009
Fruit kind: Japanese Plum
Selection No.: PR06-30
Usage: Dessert
Origin: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
Exclusive licensee: Culdevco (Pty) Ltd

Tree Characteristics
Chilling requirement: Medium (500-600 Infruitec Chilling Units)
Growth habit: Semi-upright
Flowering (10% blossoms open): 2nd week September**
Full bloom (80% blossoms open): 3rd week September**
Flower shape: Rosaceous
Bearing habit: On both spurs and shoots
Disease susceptibility (normal sprays): Normal
Rootstocks evaluated: Marianna

Pollinator: Fortune and Songold (both as twin pollinators)
Fruit set: Excellent
Blossom or fruit: Fruit thinning required
Intensity of flowers: High

Fruit Characteristics
Harvest date (first pick): Week 4 (4th week January)
Control cultivar: End of Laetitia
Production (kg/tree): 30 tons per ha
Fruit size distribution: Count A/AA
Shape: Round to flat round
Skin colour: Bright red at harvest, dark red when ripe
Flesh colour: Red
TSS at harvest: 14˚brix.
Texture: Very firm
Stone: Cling
Storage ability: Very good.
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij: Prof. B Ndimba | Tel: 021 809 3002
Culdevco: Mishkaat Anderson | Tel: 021 888 8473
*= Plant Breeders Rights: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
**= Data obtained at Bien Donne, Simondium, Western Cape and is not necessarily representative of other areas.
Latest News

FLAVOUR STAR – A modern cultivar to suit the modern producer’s needs.
A red plum with conspicuous white lenticel spots and an orange-red flesh when
fully ripe. Flavour Star ripens after Laetitia with Songold.
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