Partly funded by Hortgro. Suitable for export by sea if delayed storage is implemented (Experico). Better skin colour than San Pedro in warmer areas. Proper sunlight management prior to harvest.
Category: Fruit
Released: May 2009
Fruit kind: Peach
Selection No.: PE96-02
Usage: Dessert
Origin: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
Exclusive licensee: Culdevco (Pty) Ltd

Tree Characteristics
Chilling requirement: Low to medium (200-400 Infruitec Chilling Units)
Growth habit: Semi-spreading
Flowering (10% blossoms open): 4th week July**
Full bloom (80% blossoms open): 1st week August**
Flower shape: Showy
Bearing habit: One year old shoots
Disease susceptibility (normal sprays): Normal
Rootstocks evaluated: Kakamas

Tree Thinning
Pollinator: Self
Fruit set: Good
Blossom or fruit: Fruit and blossom thinning recommended
Intensity of flowers: Good

Fruit Characteristics
Harvest date (first pick): Week 47 (3rd week November)
Control cultivar: After San Pedro / Transvalia
Production (kg/tree): Good (15kg/tree at 4.5 x 1.5 metre)
Fruit size distribution: Count 20 – 23 (120g/fruit)
Shape: Round
Skin colour: Red
Flesh colour: Light yellow
TSS at harvest: 10˚brix**
Texture: Melting
Stone: Cling
Storage ability: Good. Independently evaluated.
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij: Prof. B Ndimba | Tel: 021 809 3002
Culdevco: Mishkaat Anderson | Tel: 021 888 8473
*= Plant Breeders Rights: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
**= Data obtained at Bien Donne, Simondium, Western Cape and is not necessarily representative of other areas.
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