+27 (0)21 879 6630 info@culdevco.co.za
plums-south africa
Ruby Crisp Plums South Africa


Very productive and reacts well on thinning sprays, needs medium work in the vineyard, but minimal in pack-house.
Sugar increases easily to 25˚Brix. Test ripeness by assessing the firmness of the lowest berries in the bunch – firm lower
berries indicate optimal sugars. Bunches are fragile – be careful with hanging and handling in the vineyard.

Category: Grape
Grape type: Red seedless
Selection No.: C3335
Origin: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
Exclusive licensee: Culdevco (Pty) Ltd

Suggested Protocol

Thinning: Strong vines: Natural thinning only. 2 ppm gA3 @ 6-8mm size.
Weaker vines: 2 ppm GA3 @ 110% flower for thinning, no spraying for size needed.
Sizing: 1 x 2 ppm GA3 (no sizing sprays necessary if spraying for thinning).
Girdling: Sizing sprays can be replaced by girdling.
Ethephon: No Ethephon is required in Hex River.
Picking: Harvest at minimum 21˚Brix due to high acidity level to ensure optimum eating quality.
Loose berries: Sizing applications of 5 ppm GA3 and higher can increase the occurrence of loose berries.

Fruit Characteristics

Harvest date (first pick): Week 3 – 4 in Hex River
Berry attachment: Good
Colour: Bright red with pedicel-end darker at stylar-end
Sugar at harvest: 21˚Brix
Flesh texture: Meaty flesh, crunchy and juicy
Bunch shape and size: Medium to short conical
Cap stem size: Medium
Very high
Vigour: Medium on Ramsey
5 000 – 4 500 4.5 kg cartons/ha
Hanging ability: Good
Storage ability: Very good
Pruning: Spur pruning


Very productive and reacts well on thinning sprays, needs medium work in the vineyard, but minimal in pack-house.
Sugar increases easily to 25˚Brix. Test ripeness by assessing the firmness of the lowest berries in the bunch – firm lower
berries indicate optimal sugars. Bunches are fragile – be careful with hanging and handling in the vineyard.

Category: Grape
Grape type: Red seedless
Selection No.: C3335
Origin: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
Exclusive licensee: Culdevco (Pty) Ltd

Suggested Protocol

Thinning: Strong vines: Natural thinning only. 2 ppm gA3 @ 6-8mm size.
Weaker vines: 2 ppm GA3 @ 110% flower for thinning, no spraying for size needed.
Sizing: 1 x 2 ppm GA3 (no sizing sprays necessary if spraying for thinning).
Girdling: Sizing sprays can be replaced by girdling.
Ethephon: No Ethephon is required in Hex River.
Picking: Harvest at minimum 21˚Brix due to high acidity level to ensure optimum eating quality.
Loose berries: Sizing applications of 5 ppm GA3 and higher can increase the occurrence of loose berries.

Fruit Characteristics

Harvest date (first pick): Week 3 – 4 in Hex River
Berry attachment: Good
Colour: Bright red with pedicel-end darker at stylar-end
Sugar at harvest: 21˚Brix
Flesh texture: Meaty flesh, crunchy and juicy
Bunch shape and size: Medium to short conical
Cap stem size: Medium
Very high
Vigour: Medium on Ramsey
5 000 – 4 500 4.5 kg cartons/ha
Hanging ability: Good
Storage ability: Very good
Pruning: Spur pruning

ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij: Prof. B Ndimba | Tel: 021 809 3002
Culdevco: Mishkaat Anderson | Tel: 021 888 8473

*= Plant Breeders Rights: ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
**= Data obtained at Bien Donne, Simondium, Western Cape and is not necessarily representative of other areas.

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JOYBELLS – Guidelines and Recommendations.

Joybells® is ‘n mid-seisoen kultivar wat deur LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij ontwikkel
is. Dit word in Suid Afrika deur Culdevco (Pty) LTD bemark. Die kultivar is baie

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