Our Story
Borne from a desire to establish a company to champion the commercialisation of South Africa’s deciduous fruit industry and to redefine the marketing of each variety,
Culdevco (Pty) Ltd was established in 2005.
In the many fruitful seasons since, our hard work and constant push to be established
leaders in our field, our exclusive rights portfolio has grown to over 150 different varieties marketed both locally and worldwide. As a sign of our sustainable success, our decade-long partnership with the Agricultural Research Council has been extended for an additional decade as we take more of our specific fruit varieties to more countries.
With low-risk, profitable varieties across multiple categories, we work with our much-valued specialised people and customers to ensure sustained success for all involved across the value chain,
from field to fork.
All cultivars are owned by the Agricultural Research Council.


years of experience

Licensees in
We specialise in pome, stone, and table grapes.
• Apple
• Blush pears
• Peaches (fresh, dried, canned)
• Apricots (fresh, dried, canned)
• Plums (different skin and fresh colours)
• Nectarines (fresh and dried)
• Table and raisin grapes
15+ years of experience
We have a vast network of licensees worldwide. Some of these countries are Spain, France, Italy, Greece, the UK, Tunisia, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Chile, and the USA to name a few.
Culdevco (Pty) Ltd has an open policy which means that any pome fruit, stone fruit, canning fruit, dried fruit, table, or raisin grape producer in South Africa can access our varieties if they comply with our terms and conditions.
As mentioned above, we have global licensees and producers in those countries must contact their local Culdevco licensee for more details on which cultivar is right for them.

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